CHS Announcements
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Good luck to the volleyball teams as they head to Gwinn this afternoon!

Good luck to the jv football team as they travel to Hancock today!

Auditions for the Senior Class Play will be held on Tuesday, October 10th from 4-7pm in the Elementary Music Room. The play will be a double feature of Frosty the Snowman followed by a Charlie Brown Christmas. Sign up for an audition slot or to be on stage crew in the 2nd-floor office. Audition materials will be provided. Talk to Mr. Riutta if you have any questions.
Congratulations to the seniors on taking first place again in yesterday's dress up day - followed by the juniors in second, sophs in third and freshman in fourth.
Penny Wars end today - bring your change to the second floor office. Homecoming buttons are on sale in either office and during lunches! You will not be counted for spirit day on Friday, if you do not have a button.
Students who are participating in coronation should be getting ready now, meet Mrs. La Cross down by the library doors at 10:30 - everyone else will be dismissed to the gym at 10:45.
Bring in canned goods for the Food Pantry. For every 5 items you bring, your name goes into the drawing for the opportunity to hit the Pinata at the Pep Assembly on Friday. Drop them off in your advisor's classroom: Seniors - Mr. Waurio, Juniors - Mrs. Bonacorsi, Sophomores - Mrs. La Cross, and Freshmen - Mrs. Antilla
Float building continues tonight from 6-9 at the Gipp. There will be treats in Mrs. Bonacorsi's room on Monday for the float-building Juniors.
DROP-IN HOCKEY FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS - Starting next week, there will be drop-in hockey for high school students at the Calumet Colosseum. To participate, all skaters must be registered with USA Hockey. Cost is $10 per skate. Money will be collected at the door. See the Calumet Hockey Association weekly schedule for dates and times.
The elementary school is looking for student helpers during the day - stop by the second floor office to sign up

Happy birthday to Chloe and Colton!

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