Announcements 3-4-24

Would you consider yourself a courageous person? Is there a particular area of your life you need more courage? We all have different strengths and fears. That is what makes us unique. Being courageous means facing our fears and not allowing them to be obstacles to our goals and dreams. We all can think of people that we see as courageous, but the truth is, at some point in life, they were sitting right where you were! They had fears, concerns, worries about what others might think about them, and so much more. But eventually, those people chose to act courageously and overcome those fears to make their dreams a reality. The goals they were striving for motivated them to be courageous and continue to press on even when faced with fears or obstacles. I love this quote from William Shakespeare about courage.
“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
Congratulations to the gymnastics team who took 8th place at regionals over the weekend.

Prom committee will be meeting on Tuesday after school in Mrs. Bonacorsi's room to work on projects.

There is a mandatory meeting of all current NHS members and new inductees on Thursday after school. We will meet in the upper commons to do a walk through for the induction ceremony. See Mrs. Bonacorsi if you have a conflict.

Sign Up sheets for spring sports are in the downstairs office. Check Schoology for start dates.

How many dairy foods do you have in a day? Calcium and Vitamin D are essential to keeping our bones and muscles healthy and strong and dairy is a great way to get these essential nutrients. The choices are endless to get your Vitamin D and Calcium and can include:
Soy, almond, cashew, oat, goat or cow’s milk
Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, feta, parmesan or goat’s cheese
Greek, plain or fruit flavored yogurt.

Happy Birthday to Skylar & Travis!

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