Announcements 9-8-23
CHS Announcements
Friday, September 8, 2023
Congratulations to the volleyball teams on their victories over Iron Mountain! Good luck to the varsity team as they head to Ashwaubenon this weekend!
At the cross country meet yesterday Byron David took 8th, Nora Harmala took 9th and Evelyn Robb took 10th place, good job team!
In football last night the jv team lost to Negaunee. Good luck to the varsity team as they head to Negaunee this afternoon!
Any juniors or seniors interested in attending the MTU college fair on the morning of Wednesday, September 13, please stop by the upstairs office to sign up - since this is a half day you will be gone 2nd - 4th hours.
There will be a Student Senate meeting for all class officers next week on Tuesday after school in Mrs. Willmert's classroom
Attention Sophomores. If you would like to take the PSAT/NMSQT test for this fall please sign up in the second floor office no later than September 14th.This test is optional for students looking to practice taking the PSAT/SAT test.
There will be an organizational meeting of the Spanish Club on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:45 am in Mrs. Miller's room. Anyone interested in joining the club is welcome.
There will be an organizational meeting of the French Club on Wednesday, September 13 at 7:45 am in Mrs. Miller's room. Anyone interested in joining the club is welcome.
CHS Picture Day will be on Monday, September 18th - picture packets were handed out 7th hour yesterday - if you are in Studio Music or don’t have a 7th hour or were absent you may pick up a packet from the second floor office
No birthdays!